(Last updated May 2023)
Dear readers,
Welcome to my personal Medium page! This post is meant as a navigation guide to help you find your way in and around Medium for Stata-related content. I regularly blog here and and develop Stata packages. If you are just joining Medium, then all of the content might be a bit overwhelming so just follow the links below!
A quick word of thanks
This account has grown reasonably in size since I started writing in August 2020 with zero followers. At the time of updating this post, I have over 1.3k! So a big big thanks to you all for reading and engaging with the content and helping this corner grow in size :)
The links
The Stata content is split across the following broad categories:
1. The Stata Guide: on Medium is my primary publication page. While I have been thinking of starting another publication, the focus will remain on posting original Stata-related content. I have still quite a bit of stuff in the pipeline. So I won't be running out of ideas soon. The Stata Guide provides a lot information, step-by-step instructions, code blocks, and how-to guides for visualizations and programming. Some traffic-related statistics are covered in the Welcome to the Guide post. That post is also a good…